New Noticeboard in Great Missenden
Friday, November 27th, 2020
Great Missenden has a shiny new Information Board at the junction of the High Street and Link Road.

It is the result of a collaboration between GMPRG and Great Missenden Village Association (GMVA), with funding from both, and project managed by Carole Eaden (GMPRG) and Mike Wintgens (GMVA).
An application was made to the Missendens Local Area Forum (LAF) in February 2019. As long ago as The Market Town Health Check Report of Spring 2009 and Great Missenden Parish Design Statement of March 2012, the need for improved information for visitors to Great Missenden, the AONB and Chilterns had been highlighted. And yet nothing had been done, so it was high time!
The LAF contributed a grant of £2,830, and the Roald Dahl Museum chipped in for signage pointing visitors to the museum along the street. A donation was received also from Bucks CC Community Leaders Fund.
The left-hand side of the board features information about the village and its history, the Chilterns, and a specially commissioned water colour-style illustrated map. On the right-hand side is the space for notices, able to accommodate up to 8 A4 advertisements of local cultural activities and events.

The map is beautifully illustrated with sketches of local features and landmarks, including the Roald Dahl Museum, Roald Dahl’s grave, the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Missenden Abbey and Park, and the old petrol pumps. Images depicting our nature and ecology include trees, a butterfly and – of course – red kites.

Visitors are now welcomed to Great Missenden in a way that befits the beauty, history and ecology of the village at The Heart of the Chilterns.
GMPRG would like to thank and acknowledge all who helped realise this project, including Chiltern District Council and Bucks CC (LAF and Community Leaders grants), GMVA and the Roald Dahl Museum, as well as our suppliers Lovell Johns and Fitzpatrick Woolmer.
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