Secure Bike Parking

UPDATE – 30 June 2024

GMPRG has had success in raising money for secure bike parking projects within the Parish but part of the challenge is finding suitable locations for cyclists which are agreed by property owners.

Secure bike parking enables:

  • people to move around the villages easily;
  • accessing village shops and services more conveniently;
  • healthy, sustainable movement, with reduced need for car journeys on short trips.

Funding is currently available for further secure bike parking in the Parish – if you have ideas for additional sites please do Contact Us.

Cycle security rings at Co-op Prestwood

31 August 2018

With many thanks to:

MidCounties Coop nameplate

GMPRG has recently obtained funding from the Mid-Counties Co-operative for two cycle security rings outside their Prestwood store.

You’ll find them down the right hand side alley of the building.

Another small step forward to encourage you to pop on your bike to buy your daily needs.

cycle parking sign at Coop Prestwood
bike parking area at Prestwood Coop

Bike Parking at High Street Car Park – Prestwood

5 July 2018

As the result of a local resident pointing out the lack of secure bike parking in Prestwood, GMPRG has sourced funding for bike stands in the High Street Car Park and has sufficient funds for further sites in the parish.

Following agreement from Chiltern District Council, which owns the car park, the first “Sheffield” type stands have now been installed.

Further sites for new bike parking are currently under discussion for Great Missenden and the shopping area of Prestwood.

It is hoped that this provision will encourage locals to get on their bikes when popping to the shops, instead of going by car.

Bucks County Council logo

GMPRG is grateful to Buckinghamshire County Council, Missendens Local Area Forum for providing grant funding for this secure bike parking project.

Sheffield Type bike parking stands

Bike Parking at Prestwood Village Hall

Whilst the racks themselves may look relatively simple in design, arranging to have them installed can be quite complex. This location in particular needed comprehensive underground surveying to ensure that no utilities were interfered with.

We are particularly indebted to Align JV for assistance with this aspect of the project, and for assistance with funding.

Installation went ahead on 12th December, carried out by contractors from Chesham Town Council.

bicycle racks installed by GMPRG at Prestwood Village Hall

GMPRG would like to thank all who contributed to this addition to Prestwood’s cycling infrastructure.