GMPRG further response to revised plans for Great Missenden Station

Thursday, September 8th, 2022

This is GMPRG’s further response, dated August 22 2022, to the revised plans for the station. Please refer to our earlier response, dated December 20 2021, included on our News and Projects page.

Dear Ms Showan

Application Number: PL/21/0534/FA Land at Great Missenden Railway Station Station Approach Great Missenden Buckinghamshire HP16 9AZ

The GMPRG are in favour of redevelopment on this site but still have concerns with regard to the designs submitted.

Further to the revised plans posted 9th August 2022 and Bucks Highways Development Management letter dated 13th July, GMPRG would like to make the following comments:

  • The reduction in the number of apartments from 37 to 33 helps to reduce the pressure on parking and the bulk of the buildings.
  • The increase in the number of parking spaces by 8 spaces to 35 spaces is a step in the right direction.
  • However as set out the Countywide Optimum for Zone A is 33 + 10 spaces = 43 spaces, thus there is still a shortfall of 8 spaces to meet the minimum standard.
  • Great Missenden already has a parking problem
  • The changes to materials, particularly the roof tiles is another step to the buildings integrating better into the location.
  • Block B, although somewhat reduced,  being further up the hill is still overbearing and thus out of keeping with the Conservation Area.

The other issue is that Entran Ltd talk about 45% of all households living in flats in this ward have no vehicle. This ignores the fact that there is a lot of sheltered housing in Great Missenden. The likelihood of retired people wishing to live by the railway is very low. Further, while the railway provides a good link to London and Aylesbury, the bus services east and west are inadequate. To be able to enjoy living in the Chilterns, the vast majority of people need a car to access the countryside.

Bearing in mind that there are 20 2 bedroom and 1 3 bedroom flat, there is likely to be a need for at least 43 parking spaces, ignoring visitor parking. We agree that Mr Higgs is right to be concerned about the low level of parking provision and that minimum of 43 should be provided.

One opportunity which could be explored is for further parking to be made available in the Station Carpark. Even before the Covid pandemic, the station car park was rarely full. Finding 8 to 15 spaces should not be impossible.

For and on behalf of Great Missenden and Prestwood Revitalisation Group

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